319  Ingrid's message


Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 13:05:37 -0800
From: Larry Duke <auto_d20@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: Ingrid's message

--- Ingrid Peterson <georgous1@HOTMAIL.COM> wrote:

> Dear Tango People,
> I have a favor to ask all of you. . . One of my
> friends (female) has
> recently decided to be brave enough to try to learn
> how to lead. I support her whole-heartedly but she
> has encountered some unfortunate events which has
> made her drive to do so falter.

Dear Ingrid and your friend!

What is the real benefit of tango then, if it brings
continual suffering and it is impossible to truly be
good at it? The only benefit to dance tango is
entwined within this construct of how "tango society"
is supposed to be. Since tango is a socially created
concept, the benefits are based solely within this
construct. In reality the purpose of tango is to give
us pleasure. Any additional benefits of tango are
purely economic. These advantages range from tax
deductions for "non-profit" tango groups to
"sell-shoes-for-profit" possibilities. Tango is purely
a social construct and thus most advantages are seen
only through the eyes of those within the construct.

Therefore, as far as I can make out, to
"woman-lead-tango" is to transcend the social
construct. How this is done I am not entirely sure. I
know only partially how that is to come about. You
must know yourself fully and understand yourself from
all angles. Then you must learn your fellow man or a
woman, you must be able to understand the heart of
those around you (not an easy task). I am sure there
is more, but I am not sure what more exactly is needed
to transcend. Read a little psychology, a little about
self-actualization and transcending.

Good luck,
El Duke.

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