669  Instruction in Milonguero Style


Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 09:48:32 +0000
From: Melville Fox <mobyfox@JUNO.COM>
Subject: Instruction in Milonguero Style

I would like some recommendations on instructors in milonguero style. I
am interested in instructors who regularly tour the US, emphasize
technique rather than step acquisition, are available for private lessons
at a reasonable cost (just let me know what they charge and I'll decide
if it's reasonable), and are reasonably fluent in English. Personal
experience preferred over information derived from the tango grapevine.

Also, could anyone recommend good videos for milonguero style.


Mel Fox

Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 15:32:51 GMT
From: michael <tangomaniac@JUNO.COM>
Subject: Re: Instruction in Milonguero Style

I am interpreting "milonguero style" to mean the way men danced in the "Golden Age" with a minimum of steps in close embrace. Today, many people equate milonguero style with close embrace but the two are NOT synonomous.

Two teachers I know that teach milonguero style are Susana Miller and Alicia Cruzada. I haven't taken private lessons with them, only group. I read on the New York City Spice homepage that Susana is going to be giving a lesson at the Spice Milonga tomorrow night @ 8. It's part of the NY Tango Festival (www.nyctango.com)

Michael Ditkoff
Washington, DC
Can't believe that the NY Tango Festival has finally arrived

---------- Melville Fox <mobyfox@JUNO.COM> writes:
I would like some recommendations on instructors in milonguero style. I
am interested in instructors who regularly tour the US, emphasize
technique rather than step acquisition, are available for private lessons at a reasonable cost

Mel Fox

I'd rather be dancing argentine tango

I'd rather be dancing argentine tango

Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 10:44:28 -0500
From: Stephen Brown <Stephen.P.Brown@DAL.FRB.ORG>
Subject: Re: Instruction in Milonguero Style

Susana Miller is currently in Dallas, Texas through Wednesday, July 17. I
believe Yvonne Meissner and Brigitta Winkler are also currently touring in
North America. Local instruction in milonguero-style tango is offered in a
number of U.S. cities including San Francisco; Dallas; Denver; Portland,
OR; Seattle; Atlanta; and Boston that I know of.

As far as videos are concerned, there are currently six that are sold as
instruction in milonguero-style tango. Reviews of these videos can be
found at <https://www.tejastango.com/video_resources.html>.

With best regards,

Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 17:23:37 -0400
From: Dario Mendiguren <C21DARI@AOL.COM>

Dear Melville and fellow tanguros:

I took a Susana Miller's workshop and she fulfill my expectations, I been dancing sporadically in Milongas at BA and I've seen great milongueros dancing the apilado (milonguero) style, and on last Thursday evening I had the pleasure to enjoy Susanas' class where I've seen her doing the leaders part at the best style of an old and good Milonguero can do, I think she is great teacher and an excellent dancer!

I'm living and dancing in NY, I have always noticed the lack of models in this simple but rhythmic style, I think we need more milongueros coming to visit us , so we could learn and imitate their techniques

Un abrazo milonguro to all of you Dario

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