Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 11:21:48 -0300
From: Alberto Gesualdi <clambat2001@YAHOO.COM.AR>
Subject: Instructive Videos & Basic
Dear listeros
I still think videos could be used for basic students , as another input option for their undestanding.
I can not and I will not recommend a specific video , because this will conduce to a sales promotion . Every person has their own preferences , therefore what is good to me , could be not aceptable for another person.
Of course, videos could be used also for advanced students, as an educational tool. But this needs an investment in technology and media resources, that no all persons/teachers could afford.
Any teacher that can make a video , showing just the basic steps, how to move , some figures, will provide to a person that is just seeing "what is this tango subject about " , a reference , or something to see at home instead of Terminator III as amusement. This is part of a "tango embedding", to listen music, to watch videos, to take lessons, and to go to a milonga to see what can be put outside before dying under all that paraphernalia :):):)
I do not consider myself a skilled dancer , however I have been social dancing for almost five years. Sometimes advanced people forget that they were also basic some years ago.
Understanding is a very slow process. I have not seen yet a Tango teaching that went like an university career . Students come and go, you could not dismissed them if they do not come regularly to lessons. At least not in this aspect of social dancing, which I assume it is we are talking about , aren t we ?? Instructional videos for people that is starting and would like to dance tango as social dance. To walk the music with their dancing partner, and to try to do some steps , without colliding into other dancing couples, or loosing the line of dance.
Warm regards
Alberto Gesualdi
Buenos Aires
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