2892  killing the tango community


Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 16:06:00 EDT
From: sherpal1@AOL.COM
Subject: Re: killing the tango community

You must be kidding, these posts are not an instruction guide to help
promoters kill their community, they are a tongue and cheek "guide" to let leaders
know if they do these things to their membership, eventually they will kill the
form and spirit of their tango community.

Since some of these leaders hold some of its members as hostage to their
whims of conquer and control, a forum like this may be the only way to have an
"open " discussion, for surly leaders who act this way, are not going to sit down
and discuss the problems or complaints that members in their community might

If this list is the onlly way for agrieved members to voice their complaints,
then so be it, and for all those promoters out there who feel the pinch of
these remarks, I say so much the better....if the shoe fits, wear it,,,,,do
take this criticism to heart and stop blaming and start changing for the better.

La marocha

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