2883  La rumbita candombe - different lyrics?


Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 15:51:04 +1000
From: Geoff Walker <geoffww@BIGPOND.NET.AU>
Subject: La rumbita candombe - different lyrics?

For some time I have had two versions of this milonga, one by Canaro and
one by Rodriguez. Until recently I thought they were almost identical.
But now I've noticed a subtle difference in the lyrics, to which I'm
wondering whether any significance should be attached.

The Rodriguez version concludes each of its one verse and one chorus
with, as expected, the title phrase "la rumbita candombe". The phrase
is sung once more right at the very end.

But the Canaro version, which has two verses and one chorus, instead
concludes both the first verse and the one chorus with "la negrita
candombe", and nowhere in his version does the title of the song appear,
which seems odd. The closest we get is in the second verse which
concludes with "su ritmo es mezcla de rumba y candombe Federal". The
Canaro version lyrics are on the Gardel server at :

And just recently I have purchased the cd Tango Negro - Candombes y
Rumbas Argentinas (on Best of Tango Argentino), which includes the very
same Canaro version, but under the title of La Negrita Candombe!

I'm sure that these differences might be seen as inconsequential by many
("who cares, as long as you can dance to it?"), but I'm intrigued.
Which came first - the negrita or the rumbita? And why would anyone
change? So is there anyone out there who understands tango lyrics
better than I and can elaborate?

Thanks, Geoff

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