983  looking for BsAs DJ Mario E. Orlando


Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2003 01:18:30 -0600
From: "A. Lester Buck III" <buck@COMPACT.COM>
Subject: looking for BsAs DJ Mario E. Orlando


On several trips to BsAs, I enjoyed dancing to recorded music programs
arranged by Mario E. Orlando. Mario at the time was the DJ at
Confiteria Ideal's Friday afternoon milonga, as well as Thursdays at
Nino Bien. Recently I was going through my files and found his
flyers, with his email address crossed out. Would anyone have a
current email address for Mario, or an address for a friend who might
be in touch with Mario? I bought several of his great compilation CDs
at the time, and his flyer mentions that he sends catalogs via email.

Thanks alot,


A. Lester Buck buck@compact.com

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