3768  Many thanks to Tom, his helpers, and Tango Colorado


Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 06:58:15 -0500
From: Michael Figart II <michaelfigart@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Many thanks to Tom, his helpers, and Tango Colorado

I'd like to add my thanks to that of Michael Knowles. I had a great time
at the Sixth Annual Denver Labor Day Milonguero Festival. I really
appreciate the events that cater to my love of good, close embrace
Argentine Tango, and this festival, once again, was one of the best. My
thanks to Tom, Janice, Andrea, Anthony, Ellen, and everyone else who
played a part in making this event so special. (And all of the wonderful
women with whom I had the privilege of a tanda; I thoroughly enjoyed
each and every dance!)

Much appreciation also to Tango Colorado for yet another magical evening
at Cheeseman Park. I can't imagine a more perfect setting for an outdoor
milonga, and I know that it requires a Herculean effort to make this
event happen twice a year. Thanks!

And lastly but not leastly, thanks to the DJs for all the great music.
The music can make or break a milonga, and the guys rocked once again.
Thanks to Robin, Robert, Avik, and Ramu.

Oops, that wasn't lastly....thanks to all the teachers, too! Especially
Ricardo Vidort. It was a real pleasure working with such a high-caliber

Regards to all, and already looking forward to Memorial Day!

Michael from Houston

PS-Also looking forward to seeing everyone in Ann Arbor and Portland.

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