3243  Mapuche culture


Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 12:01:27 -0300
From: Alberto Gesualdi <clambat2001@YAHOO.COM.AR>
Subject: Mapuche culture

Dear listeros/as

I forget to mention mapuche culture, which is a separate culture as the other mentioned before.

Well, the word "Che" that is so related to argentine or portenios , is from mapuche language , it means "people" . Mapu che : people from this land.

I am thinking now in a lovely singer , unfortunately died very young : Maria Gabriela Epumer. She was a singer and guitar player.His grandfather, Juan Epumer, was a tango musician ,. guitar player with Agustin Magaldi and composer of many tangos.

Mapuche words are still alive, and they keep involved in the daily language of Buenos Aires, also in cities like Bariloche, Neuquen, Futalaufquen.

It is common also to give mapuche names to newborn babies , even if they are not native indians. The grandson of my spouse was baptized Nehuen , that means "strong man" . I hope he will be strong enough to take me to the milongas on my elderhood when my feet begun to fail :):)

warm regards

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