2194  Milonga in Iowa City,Iowa - Saturday 7 February 2004


Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 17:45:55 -0800
From: david stevens <dmfstevenstango@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Milonga in Iowa City,Iowa - Saturday 7 February 2004

Once again Gail Ireland is organizing a milonga. It
will be at 7pm on Saturday 7 February 2004, at 120
North Dubuque Street,Iowa City,Iowa. The DJ will once
again be David Stevens.
Location:The building is on the corner of the alleyway
between Market and Jefferson Street,on the east side
of North Dubuque Street. The doorway is set back a
little from the main sidewalk. There is parking on the
south-east corner of N.Dubuque and Market.
A small "donation" of $5 will help Gail to provide
some snacks and drink for you.
Hope to see you all there. The more the merrier! Come
one!Come all!

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