Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2004 21:57:58 +0000
From: Oleh Kovalchuke <oleh_k@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Milongas in Boston?
I will be in Boston March 6-12 and naturally going to milongas is high on my
priorities list. I have found four milongas on the web:
6 Sat - Milonga by BailaTango, Supershag Mega Dance Complex, Waltham
7 Sun - Milonga Armenonville, Tango Mundo, Brazilian Cultural Center,
10 Wed - Wednesday Tango Dance Break, Mt. Auburn VFW, Cambridge.
12 Fri - Tango Lounge, Springstep Dance Studio, Medford
I will probably not be able to go to all four.
Which milongas can you recommend to go to (some of them might be defunct)?
Are there age limitations at any of these milongas (I would like to take my
15 years old daughter with me)?
Please do not reply to the list.
Thanks, Oleh.
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