3102  Milongas open in Buenos Aires -La Glorieta


Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 11:42:29 -0300
From: Alberto Gesualdi <clambat2001@YAHOO.COM.AR>
Subject: Milongas open in Buenos Aires -La Glorieta

Dear friends from Tango List
I receive a comment from a person that went yesterday to La Glorieta at Barrancas de Belgrano , that was working.
This is a gazebo placed at a square, it is not affected by the restrictions since it is open air, all the place is an emergency exit :)

Now.... I receive also the comment that it was crowded, so the dancers have to move snailpace .

And there is no rest rooms, since the place is in a public square, but... you can manage to have a cafecito nearby , and use the restrooms of the place .There are over Juramento street some decent places, other places at the train station are not so good , specially for ladies.

Take this option as a glass of water in the middle of the desert :)

Warm regards
alberto gesualdi
buenos aires
Milonga Abierta en la GlorietaBarrio:BelgranoDetalles del Lugar:11 de Septiembre entre Sucre y Echeverrma (Barrancas de Belgrano), Belgrano
Idiomas: inglis y francis
Csmo llegar: 15-29-42-44-55-60-63-64-114-118.Dias:Domingo, SabadoInformacisn:Organiza: Marcelo Salas
Milonga: sabados y domingos a las 18hs.
Clases: sabados y domingos a las 16 hs.
Profesor: Marcelo Salas
Precio: milonga a la gorra, clases consultar precio

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