3095  Milongas open on Friday -Buenos Aires... and on Sundays


Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2005 06:15:14 -0800
From: Dolores Longo <madolo@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Milongas open on Friday -Buenos Aires... and on Sundays

Dear Alberto and list,

Last night I danced till 4:30 am at Club Banco de
Provincia, also in Vicente Lopez. where La Barranca
was scheduled to re-open their Friday Milonga. In
addition, they have their milonga on Sundays which
very well attended and with Mario Orlando (of
Sunderland, Ninio Bien and El Arranque) as the DJ. The
venue is beautiful, has air conditioning, excellent
music and a very spacious wooden floor. It has been my
milonga of choice for Sundays for a long time. (H.
Yrigoyen 803, Vicente Lopez, Club Banco de Provincia,
4795-4787) Many people have dinner there. I can vouch
for their "Isla Flotante" dessert.

As for El Trovador, I was there on Thursday (after the
Canning closing) and indeed they announced several
organizers from the capital temporarily moving their
milongas there from Monday to Thursday. That is where
I plan to go next week on those days.

People trying to decide between El Trovador and La
Barranca on Fridays and Sundays, should be aware that
if they want to dance tango, La Barranca is the place
to go. If they like a variety of music (latin, jazz
etc) then El Trovador should be their choice, since it
is more a "dance" than a "milonga" IMHO and the
percentage of "other" music played in their regular
dances Friday through Sunday is very high.


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