2625  Missouri and Karen


Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 00:14:14 -0500
From: Michael Figart II <michaelfigart@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Missouri and Karen

Hello List,

Whoa Nellie!!!! I've been out of touch for a few days, and just finished
exploring a few of the last few day's postings. I thought Rick was off
on a weird tangent, but I had no idea how weird.... Rick, give it up,
your shrub has been pruned. If you'd like some advice (probably not),
give it all up, ask for forgiveness and start over. I think you've been
shown that everybody puts you in that class of pseudo-tanguero that
gloms onto the newbie women to demonstrate your expertise, or lack
thereof. Come on dude; manufacture perfect followers inside of a couple
months? Get real.

But; in reality....you all had your chance to experience the perfect
tango event!!!!!!!!!!! (new subject)

You were warned months in advance! You all knew it was coming! And thank
goodness you didn't make it. There was only room for a few more!!!

Karen Whitesell in Mt Vernon, Missouri, just sponsored the finest of all
Argentine Tango events. Just imagine breakfast, lunch, and supper served
along with snacks, beverages, and a daily stop by the ice cream truck.
The finest teachers, the finest orchestra, the finest dancers, and the
most incredibly beautiful venue imaginable. The atmosphere was magical,
and I'll never forget this last weekend in "Tango Heaven" Many warm
thanks to Karen, Janis, Les, and Kitty for all their hard work. And also
many thanks to Robert Hauk, Barbara Durr, Robin Thomas, and Jennifer
Bratt. These are the people who are supporting tango in the US. There
are a few others who promote and support like them, but not many....You
cannot imagine the perfection of the venue, the warmth of the hostess,
the love that wove its way throughout the crowd...........you missed
it!!! Thanks Karen!

See you in Denver! (will you be there, Rick? Be kinda cool (or weird) to
hear (see) your rationale in person)!


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