3355  Molinetes, giros, dulce de leche and taxi dancers.


Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2005 22:11:06 +0000
From: Sergio Vandekier <sergiovandekier990@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Molinetes, giros, dulce de leche and taxi dancers.

A turn done while dancing is called "Giro" (turn) or "vuelta" in Argentina.

We have giros to the right or to the left, complete or half way . They would
be called Giro or vuelta completa (the use of the word completa is not
necessary) so if you say giro a la derecha it means a complete turn to the
right otherwise you could say "Media Vuelta" or " Medio Giro" meaning a half

Molinete was a word used by some Argentine Instructor abroad it took and
became popular abroad only. It means the same as Giro or vuelta, there is no
difference whatsoever.

Dulce de leche can be made very easily by boilng unopened cans of condensed
It takes a long boil, if I remember right it was like an hour or more. You
can open the can at different intervals to see the color, when ready it
should look like Caramel. Make sure they are covered with water so they do
not open.

There is nothing shameful about utilizing Taxi dancers. In many places they
have some sort of an uniform. The first time I so them it was in a club in
Madrid, Spain, about 10 years ago (San Paul).
It was a club for Ball room dancing American Style. Taxi dancers were called
"Public relations people", men were dressed with black pants, starched white
shirt and black bow tie, women were in nice dresses. The interesting aspect
was that while women had to pay to dance with the boys (one dollar per
dance) the girls walked around inviting to dance men that were sitting alone
for free.

CITA's taxi dancers wear black shirts with some red line around the sleeves.

I have seen them in many places all over the world, they could be called
"scorts" , "partners", etc.

Taxi dancers provide an important service to the dancing community by making
sure that everyone has the chance to dance and have a good time.

Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2005 02:44:23 EDT
From: TangoFantasy@AOL.COM
Subject: Re: Molinetes, giros, dulce de leche and taxi dancers.

>CITA's taxi dancers wear black shirts with some red line around the sleeves.

Taxi Dancers from Argentina at Tango Fantasy Festival event during Memorial
Week 2005 will wear black dress shirts and white "lengue".

Taxi Dancers at CITA 2005 wore black T-shirts.

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