3338  Molinetes without opening step. Bolear


Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2005 22:20:25 +0000
From: Sergio Vandekier <sergiovandekier990@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Molinetes without opening step. Bolear

Daniel Lapadula says:

"What I see in your explanation is that the female from
a cross position enters in a right forward toward the
Right side of the man and then an other left
In a way it is a side (converted forward step).From
there she is (on the left foot)chancing way to cross
back with her right again and start the syncopation
of the giro.

Daniel's interpretation is the right one. The woman does a right forward,
then a left forward, she pivots on her left foot to do a cross back with her
right and then another right forward. So she converts side steps into
forward steps. The lady always points her hip in the direction of her move.

The man reaches the from ocho from the base, back step with right, side step
with left, forward right and forward left. Now his feet are : apart the left
in front the right in the back. As the woman performs her giro (turn,
molinete) to the right of the man he places his weight on his back foot (the
right one) and pivots 360 degrees on it, his left foot brushes his right one
as they pass each other and he steps forward with his left which lands
exactly in the same spot from where it started.

This way of dancing looks flowing and very elegant but otherwise (from
outside) it looks exactly like traditional salon tango. It is necessary to
analyze each movement they perform carefully to understand what is

Even the arrival to the front ocho looks different for the woman changes her
foot work and it looks as if they both are walking in the same direction
when they arrive at the beginning of the front ocho.

Discussing this matter with Orlando he told me that the opening step is not
elegant enough, SO IT WAS TRANSFORMED into a front cross.

Bolear means to through the boleadoras as explained before or simply to
throw with a semicircular movement of the hand and arm. Such as when
throwing seeds on the grown attempting to cover the ground uniformly. So the
rt. hand would start a boleo in front of my abdomen to my left then would
have a semicircular movement in front of me towards my right. The movement
ends at my right side. This is call sembrar (to seed) " al boleo". So in the
same fashion the leg performs some sort of a similar movement during a

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