Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 16:34:08 +0000
From: "Sergio Vandekier" <>
Subject: [Tango-L] More on energia (III)
I consulted another French dictionary with the following result for
synonysms of Energy:
animosity, action, activity, soul, fervor, passion, audacity, character,
carburant, heat, heart, persistence, courage, desicion, determination,
dynamism, efficacy, electricity, emulation, endurance,
entropie, firmity, strength, strength of the soul, hardiness, nerv,
perseverance, authority, subjugation, power, punch, resolution, solidity,
temerity, thermodynamics, tone, vehemence, virtu, life, vigor, violence,
vitality, will.
inergie : acharnement, action, activiti, bme, ardeur, audace, caracthre,
carburant, chaleur, coeur, constance, courage, cran, dicision,
ditermination, dynamisme, efficaciti, ilectriciti, imulation, endurance,
entjtement, entropie, fermeti, force, force d'bme, hardiesse, nerf,
persivirance, poigne, puissance, punch, risolution, ressort, shve, soliditi,
timiriti, thermodynamique, tonus, vihimence, verdeur, vertu, vie, vigueur,
violence, vitaliti, volonti.
***If i had to select any of the above meanings in reference to tango I
would select:
Action, activity, soul, fervor, passion, character, heart, determination,
dynamisme, power, punch, tone, vehemence, life, vigor, vitality.
I would use any of the above but not (in this case) the physics definition,
which could be used if we were discussing the physics of motion in tango
(for instance).
Antonymes : abattement, adynamie, affaissement, apathie, atonie, dibiliti,
dicouragement, difaillance, faiblesse, indolence, inertie, lbcheti,
langueur, mollesse, paresse, torpeur, veulerie
Then if you look for one meaning such as Acharnement you get:
acharnement : animositi, ardeur, aveuglement, bouillonnement, cruauti,
effort, inergie, entjtement, excitation, fanatisme, firociti, frinisie,
fureur, furie, haine, lutte, mal, obstination, opinibtreti, persivirance,
rage, tinaciti.
Antonymes : abandon, indolence, mollesse, nonchalance, velliiti
Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 16:59:37 +0000 (GMT)
From: Lucia <>
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] More on energia (III)
To: Sergio Vandekier <>,
I am afraid that dictionary attacks helps the discussion go nowhere.
What about vigor in dance as an indicator of sexual fitness?
Add some dancing skills, some good looks, good music, and then we have somethin' to talk about...
Lucia ;->
PS I like that French definition, which in translation sounds: vigor is a quality that shows (of) life...
Lucia ;->
Sergio Vandekier <> escribi?: I consulted another French dictionary with the following result for
synonysms of Energy:
animosity, action, activity, soul, fervor, passion, audacity, character,
carburant, heat, heart, persistence, courage, desicion, determination,
dynamism, efficacy, electricity, emulation, endurance,
entropie, firmity, strength, strength of the soul, hardiness, nerv,
perseverance, authority, subjugation, power, punch, resolution, solidity,
temerity, thermodynamics, tone, vehemence, virtu, life, vigor, violence,
vitality, will.
?nergie : acharnement, action, activit?, ?me, ardeur, audace, caract?re,
carburant, chaleur, coeur, constance, courage, cran, d?cision,
d?termination, dynamisme, efficacit?, ?lectricit?, ?mulation, endurance,
ent?tement, entropie, fermet?, force, force d'?me, hardiesse, nerf,
pers?v?rance, poigne, puissance, punch, r?solution, ressort, s?ve, solidit?,
t?m?rit?, thermodynamique, tonus, v?h?mence, verdeur, vertu, vie, vigueur,
violence, vitalit?, volont?.
***If i had to select any of the above meanings in reference to tango I
would select:
Action, activity, soul, fervor, passion, character, heart, determination,
dynamisme, power, punch, tone, vehemence, life, vigor, vitality.
I would use any of the above but not (in this case) the physics definition,
which could be used if we were discussing the physics of motion in tango
(for instance).
Antonymes : abattement, adynamie, affaissement, apathie, atonie, d?bilit?,
d?couragement, d?faillance, faiblesse, indolence, inertie, l?chet?,
langueur, mollesse, paresse, torpeur, veulerie
Then if you look for one meaning such as Acharnement you get:
acharnement : animosit?, ardeur, aveuglement, bouillonnement, cruaut?,
effort, ?nergie, ent?tement, excitation, fanatisme, f?rocit?, fr?n?sie,
fureur, furie, haine, lutte, mal, obstination, opini?tret?, pers?v?rance,
rage, t?nacit?.
Antonymes : abandon, indolence, mollesse, nonchalance, vell?it?
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