Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 12:15:37 -0700
From: PJ Grant <windycitytango@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: NA-C: Corrected dates in text for workshops by Kara Wenham in Chicago - Sept. 10 & 11 plus followers' classes on Sept. 6, 13 & 20
WindyCityTango, Inc. announces the extension of Kara Wenhams stay in Chicago - thru September 20, 2005 Our favorite transplant to Buenos Aires shares her expertise with us!!
An introduction of Kara follows the schedule of Classes & Workshops, along with pricing and private lesson information.
NOTE: Kara Wenham will be in the Chicago area for 5 weeks and available for private lessons; contact her directly at (773) 486-6890 / (773) 517-4712 or As always, for more information, contact Phoebe J. Grant at (312) 342-4335 or
Class/Workshop Schedule (pricing information follows schedule)
ALL of the WCT, Inc. classes/workshops with Kara are at Mariposa (346 N. Justine at Arbour, Chicago).
Three Tuesdays for Followers - 8:00-9:30 p (All Levels!!):
September 6: Changes of direction and giros: Mechanisms for turning in axis, releasing the hips to move faster and with more fluidity. (NOTE: the showcase presentation at Miguel Alarcons new milonga see details below at probable appearances will NOT start before 10:00; several of us will go directly from Mariposa to this event after the class.)
September 13: Proposals in our dance: opportunities for the follower to make suggestions.
September 20: Adornments: Adornos during our pivots.
Sept., 6, 13 and/or 20: (before Followers Class at Mariposa) - 7:308:00 p 7:308:00 pm for $5/person with advance paid registration with a minimum of 8 students registered and paid at least 24 hours prior to the class, Kara will review prior techniques
Saturday, September 10
1:00-2:30 p (Intermediate): Sacadas Leading the follower to occupy the space the leader is leaving with confidence, clarity and fluidity.
2:30-3:00 p: Practica/Break for 1/2 hr
3:00-4:30 p (Intermediate & Advanced): Giros and Changes of Direction: Learn to use impulses to initiate the giro. Adding enrosques, lapis, and followers adornos in the giro.
4:30-5:30 p : Practica
Sunday, September 11
1:00-2:30 p (Intermediate): Ochos & Boleos: Perfecting these basic movements by understanding their mechanisms. Adding variations in the direction of space.
2:30-3:00 p: Practica/Break for 1/2 hr
3:00-4:30 p (Intermediate & Advanced): Dynamic Improvisation: Learning to play with velocity, abrupt changes of direction, sudden stops and weight changes in our dance.
4:30-5:30 p : Practica until 5:30 p or later if enrollment warrants
ALL of the WCT, Inc. classes/workshops with Kara are at Mariposa (346 N. Justine at Arbour, Chicago).
WCT, Inc.s Discount Pricing Policy for multiple classes/workshops with Kara Wenham during September 6, 13 & 20 and 10-11, 2005 in Chicago with advance registration and payment follows:
Three Tuesday classes for Followers on Sept. 6, 13 & 20 (1.5 hours each) are $15 each or $40 for all 3 with advance registration and payment; without prior registration and payment, each class will be $20 per person. Note that these classes are not eligible for any individual discounts and do NOT qualify for any discount toward private lessons. The proposed review of prior techniques prior to any of these new classes will be an additional $5 per person and will occur only with paid registration of a minimum of 8 students at least 24 hours in advance (as of Sept. 2, 2 students have signed up for 1 or more of these reviews).
Workshops Saturday, Sept. 10 and Sunday, Sept. 11 (1.5 hours each plus a = hour or more Practica): a single workshop or any non-pre-registered workshop = $25 per person per workshop; with pre-registration, any 2 WCT, Inc. workshops = $49; any 3 WCT, Inc. workshops = $72; all 4 WCT, Inc. workshops if paid incrementally = $94; all 4 WCT, Inc. workshops = $90 ONLY with advance payment. Special package pricing for all 7 WCT, Inc. classes & workshops with Kara Wenham (Sept. 6, 13 & 20 and 10-11, 2005) = $125 - ONLY with advance payment.
ALL of the WCT, Inc. classes/workshops with Kara are at Mariposa (346 N. Justine at Arbour, Chicago).
To pre-register, contact Phoebe and then deliver payment to Kara or Phoebe prior to your first class/workshop, unless other arrangements are made. For more information, contact Phoebe J. Grant at 312-342-4335 or email
NOTE: Classes/workshops with less than 10 attendees may be canceled bring your friends!!
Also note the following:
It is not required to come with a partner, but it is recommended to pre-register for all classes / workshops so we can better balance lead vs. follow. We will encourage rotation of partners, but you are also allowed to stay with your own partner as long as you choose. Please recognize that some classes are more suited to pairs working together.
Please allow at least 15 minutes before class to check in, register, and warm up.
We strongly recommend respect for the level designated for each class/workshop.
You are encouraged to take the pre-requisites for the Sunday class(es); please confer with Phoebe or Kara if you believe you do not need to take the Saturday class(es).
WCT, Inc. and Kara Wenham reserve the right to change any class/workshop title or level or to cancel due to lack of attendance.
Private lessons with Kara Wenham will be available through September 20, 2005. To learn pricing and/or to schedule private lessons with Kara, contact her directly at (773) 486-6890 / (773) 517-4712 or
Probable Appearances:
Locations of Chicago milongas are listed below (note that separate / additional entrance fees / cover charges are required for the milongas and locations / times are subject to change); contact Phoebe J. Grant at 312-342-4335 or for directions to any event or to confirm location or time or topic of classes/workshops.
Mondays: milongas Rubia, Malena and del Morocho at Mariposa (346 N. Justine St., Chicago); Entrance to milonga $10; 9 p 12 a
Tuesdays: NEW milonga by Miguel Alarcon at LosRecuerdos Night Club (2315 W. Fullerton, Chicago ); Entrance to milonga $6; 9 p 12:30 a; Grand Opening Presentation New Tango Fantasia Miguel at 10:00 p on Sept. 6 ($12 cover for this event)
Wednesdays: milonga at Cousins (2833 N. Broadway, Chicago ); Entrance to milonga $8; 9 11:30 p
Thursdays: milonga Entre Amigos at Vibe Lounge (1248 W. George St.,Chicago ); Entrance to milonga $7; 9 p 12:30 a
Fridays: at Mariposa (346 N. Justine at Arbour, Chicago); Sept. 2, 16 & 23 Milonga Vida; Sept. 19 Los Besos Milonguita; Entrance to milonga $15; 9 p 2+ a
Saturdays: milonga at Recuerdo Club (6137 Northwest Highway,Chicago); Entrance to milonga $15; 9 p 2+ a
Sundays: milonga at Cousins (2833 N. Broadway, Chicago ); Entrance to milonga $8; 9 11:30 p
Background Information on Kara Wenham: Karas exploration of Argentine tango has led to her profound understanding not only of the dances structure but also of the distinct masculine and feminine roles, its musical and improvisational qualities, and the fundamental element the connection between partners as expressed in their embrace. Karas dance style, Salon Tango Modern, incorporates new technical concepts with the traditional grounded close embrace. As an accomplished leaders as well as follower, Kara is able to clearly identify and communicate ways for individual students to quickly and effectively improve their dancing. In Buenos Aries, Kara dances in tango houses and various milongas; she regularly teaches at Tango Brujo. Kara recently taught and performed Argentine tango across Europe (London, Copenhagen and Amsterdam) and in Hong Kong and Los Angeles.
A WindyCityTango, Inc. Event 2005
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