1669  Past & Future


Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2003 12:32:45 -0300
From: Alberto Gesualdi <clambat2001@YAHOO.COM.AR>
Subject: Past & Future

Dear friends from Tango list
I will like to translate an excerpt of an interview made by Pablo Rego , a local tango supporter , to Pascual "Cholo"Mamone, an tango excellent composer ( Bailemos , is one of his renowned lyrics) and also maker of arrangements for Maestro Pugliese and other gifted musicians.

Young people and tango

PR - ?How do you see young people approah to Tango?

PM - Tango is beginning to enter through their feet. They want to dance. So I said : let it enter by any way , but let it enter. Because little by little they will hold it dear. Tango dance is a worldwide success since it related to the contact of dancers. Afterwards, the ear gets accustomed and the music can be enjoyed.

The tango is a tremendous vaccine: once it takes you , you can not take it out anymore.

I like all the good music, but I think Tango is one of the richest genders in the world concerning their music and scripts.


Warm regards

Alberto Gesualdi

Buenos Aires

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