Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 10:54:10 -0500
From: Stephen Brown <Stephen.P.Brown@DAL.FRB.ORG>
Subject: Patternitis, Woodenitis, and other itises found in tango
A preliminary and incomplete list
Patternitis--dancing tango by rotely reproducing patterns
Backwarditis--insisting on taking steps against the line of dance
Stageitis--dancing in a way that is only appropriate for the stage at a
Handitis--leading with one's hands
Woodenitis--dancing tango without regard to the music
Wouldn'titis--refusing most invitations to dance, whether made verbally or
via eye contact
Goldenitis--dancing only to tango music from the golden era
Modernitis--dancing only to contemporary tango music
Bozoitis--an inability to refrain from acting like a clown at milongas
Ochoitis--leading repeated ochos or a follower executing repeated ochos
without a lead
Veronitis--imagining oneself to be Pablo Veron
Plebitis--imaginging oneself to be Milena Plebs
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 12:24:29 EDT
From: Mallpasso@AOL.COM
Subject: Re: Patternitis, Woodenitis, and other itises found in tango
How about "crashitis" - repeatingly crashing into others because the leader
is looking down rather than watching where he's going? ;-)
El Bandito de Tango
In a message dated 8/15/2003 09:15:11 Pacific Daylight Time,
Stephen.P.Brown@DAL.FRB.ORG writes:
> Subj: [TANGO-L] Patternitis, Woodenitis, and other itises found in tango
> Date: 8/15/2003 09:15:11 Pacific Daylight Time
> From: <A HREF="mailto:Stephen.P.Brown@DAL.FRB.ORG">Stephen.P.Brown@DAL.FRB.ORG</A>
> Sent from the Internet
> A preliminary and incomplete list
> Patternitis--dancing tango by rotely reproducing patterns
> Backwarditis--insisting on taking steps against the line of dance
> Stageitis--dancing in a way that is only appropriate for the stage at a
> milonga
> Handitis--leading with one's hands
> Woodenitis--dancing tango without regard to the music
> Wouldn'titis--refusing most invitations to dance, whether made verbally or
> via eye contact
> Goldenitis--dancing only to tango music from the golden era
> Modernitis--dancing only to contemporary tango music
> Bozoitis--an inability to refrain from acting like a clown at milongas
> Ochoitis--leading repeated ochos or a follower executing repeated ochos
> without a lead
> Veronitis--imagining oneself to be Pablo Veron
> Plebitis--imaginging oneself to be Milena Plebs
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 20:19:01 -0700
From: Alex <alejandro.delmonte@NTLWORLD.COM>
Subject: Re: Patternitis, Woodenitis, and other itises found in tango
I'd like to add more logs to the fire with the following one, as the
flipside of "Wouldn'titis: refusing most invitations to dance, whether made
verbally or
via eye contact".
Gotohellitis: what a proud tanguero thinks after a woman declines his
invitation to dance with him on the dubious grounds that she's tired.
Continue to Boleos and the follower's lower back |