1930  Piazzolla4s museum


Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 09:56:35 -0300
From: Alberto Gesualdi <clambat2001@YAHOO.COM.AR>
Subject: Piazzolla4s museum

Dear friends from Tango list
I went yesterday to Piazzola Museum, it was just opened last week, and it was worth looking . The accesss is at Galeria Guemes , a traditional place downtown at Florida , a pedestrian street , that communicate this street with San Martin street, at the bank area , noisy and overcrowded at daylight time, but quiet and abandoned by nights.
There is an exhibit of photos and things belonging to Piazzolla, lent by the Piazzola Fundation and his last wife Diana. It was very moving to see the hand written scripts of Libertango and Adios Nonino. This Piazzolla.... he wrote originally Adios Nonino in 1962 for a quintet, including a line for an electronic synthetizer ....

There is also one of his bandoneons, opened as Piazzolla liked to play it . And several other things, including enlarged photos with Anibal Troilo ,and other musicians .

There are several comments made by Piazzolla , that are printed into hanging boards. One of them was interesting, concerning "old" and "new" tango. It says, more or less

"Tango is as water . If it does not run, it gets rotten. I do not have nothing against primitive tango, but it is not enough for me . I am looking for more"

Warm regards
Alberto Gesualdi
Buenos Aires

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