Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2005 17:17:15 +0200
From: Rudiger Schierz <rsz@1A-SOFTWARE.DE>
Subject: Re: Porteño
Sergio Vandekier writes:
> The problem is that tango-L will not reproduce foreign signs
> correctly.
> When you use a tilde ~ or an accent, or any other foreign sign it will be
> automatically changed to something else
With respect, I can't help feeling that it just depends on the
character encoding used by the email client.
For international language one should use a charset, which contains
such letters, something like that:
| Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
But I'm not sure, so here is kind of a test:
¿Qué, no hay porteños aquí?
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2005 15:34:57 -0400
From: Martin Waxman <martin@WAXMAN.NET>
Subject: Re: English translation for Porteño y bailarí n?
For Tango lyrics try:
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 17:30:34 -0400
From: Tanguero Chino <tanguerochino@NETSCAPE.NET>
Subject: Re: English translation for Porteño y bailarín?
Martin Waxman <martin@WAXMAN.NET> wrote:
>For Tango lyrics try:
I did not see any reply, and I did not find anything on-line, so here's my stab at a translation.
Tango, you turned me into
what I am,
a Porteqo and a dancer,
romantic and syrupy.
Your violin inspires me,
Your rhythm
pulls at my soul,
Your bandoneon woos me.
Melancholic house that breaths love,
I left my heart at your door,
And in the creole window,
That faces the sun,
It broke the cords of my past.
All my drama
Is in your voice,
In your hands the goodbyes,
[and in] your crimson lips.
For her
And for her love
Tango you turned me into what I am,
A Porteqo and a dancer.
Of what use are dreams
If they rob me of my sight,
that deceitful hours of
dancing does not calm.
Of what use is fear
of giving my life
but find only the kiss
paid for with my soul.
Now that they are gone,
The tangos of love and wine,
The crazy chicks,
Are only in my heart.
Tango, you turned me into
what I am,
a Porteqo and a dancer,
romantic and syrupy.
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