3725  Pre-1932 Tango Music Favorites


Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2005 03:28:55 -0400
From: David Koucky <davidkoucky@MSN.COM>
Subject: Pre-1932 Tango Music Favorites

Thank You All fort this subject.

I must confess to a special love for the guardia vieja. El Bandoneon has a series of discs listed as "Homenaje A La Guardia Vieja Del Tango" =
these may help you to find more of these super oldies.

Now for the second question. During a visit to Buenos Aires, I searched Zival's for musicians who make a true effort to reproduce the style of =
the early times. Can we get some additional suggestions for this type of music? One of my favorites was a Walter Yonsky disk with the =
Cuarteto del Centenario. These reproductions may not upset our modern requirements for sound fidelity.

Some lovers of the old 78's have recorded the result of playing these on the finest players of the ancient time. The tuned horns of the best =
machines have a way of returning some of the original sounds. There are some museums that are able to lay a 78 record on thy type of horn used =
in the recording. This is often an improvement. Have any of the tango lover's tried this?

Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 10:28:16 EDT
From: DanTangoPier@AOL.COM
Subject: Re: Pre-1932 tango music favorites - thanks everyone

Clint, Geoff, DJ Dave de Denver, Bruno,
Thank -you so much for your suggestions for our vintage night (pre 1932)
favorites. Clint, I love the tunes you uploaded, can't stop listening to them
over and over. Someone should bring back the musical saw to tango music.
A couple of songs I found right under my nose in my vinyl collection but
was clueless until I saw the titles on Tango L. RCA produced a great series
of records titled "SERIE TANGO DE AYER" which seem to have been remastered in
Japan and have beautiful sound quality. Sadly I'm missing Volumen 1
"Historia De La Orquestra Tipica Victor (1925-1930)." By the way, a fun time killer
in BA is to look through old tango records, even if your not into vinyl, the
cover art is beautiful and strange.

Daniel Peters

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