Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2003 14:20:33 +0000
From: Sophan Tango <sophantango@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: question on Practicas
Hello everybody:
I would like to bring the subject of practicas to the list. I have heard
people talking about practica versus milongas and I was wondering how to
prevent a practica to turn into a milonga. (We see on a regular basis
people teaching at a milonga as well). For me a practica should be used to
go over steps and concepts without being too afraid of disturbing the line
of dance or being intimidated by the better dancers on the dancefloor.
I am also wondering if you some of you could share your experience of
practicas: if you run it, is there something different you would do? Be
involved in giving the dancers exercises to do? Help correct the dancers?
Show a move at the beginning (but that might turn into a class and not a
practica), give a theme to the practica (only vals/milonga ???) Pair up
people at the beginning?
If you are a dancers do you go to a practica with an idea in mind of what
you would like to work on? Do you go with a partner? Are you expecting the
person running the practica (if that person is a teacher) to be there to
help you in case you need it?
When you go to a practica do you share your thoughts with other dancers or
try to practice only with your partner on your own moves?
I love the idea of practica but haven't really had a good experience in any.
For me the idea of sharing thoughts, steps concepts is fascinating because
it is that way that one can expand his/her vocabulary and examine new
Woud love to hear from the list....
Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2003 08:23:13 -0700
From: robin thomas <niborsamoht@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: question on Practicas
how to make a practica a practica and not a milonga?
how about putting one and a half minutes of silence
between each piece of music? you can put the cd player
on single play. that would give people more of an
opportunity to verbalize things they feel could be
worked on in their dance, come up with ideas to
explore and it would discourage casual social dancing.
robin thomas
Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 00:41:49 +0100
From: Bruce Stephens <bruce@CENDERIS.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Re: question on Practicas
robin thomas <niborsamoht@YAHOO.COM> writes:
> how to make a practica a practica and not a milonga? how about
> putting one and a half minutes of silence between each piece of
> music? you can put the cd player on single play.
Or you could play a group of pieces, and ask what people would like to
hear next.
Lighting is something else that can affects the mood. If the place is
well lit, then it's likely to feel less like a milonga.
Depending on the crowd, the teachers might take an active role,
watching people and correcting mistakes or making suggestions.
In general, though, I don't see why social dancing would be such a
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