3494  Radio Cubik Tango


Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 20:15:46 EDT
Subject: Radio Cubik Tango

Is Radio Cubik Tango still functioning? Can't seem to connect with it. Have
E-mailed Greg, the station manager, on two occassions without any response
which very unusual. In the past he has promptly responded to any questions.

Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2005 00:31:01 -0700
From: Stephen Hoffman <DrSteveH@ATTGLOBAL.NET>
Subject: Re: Radio Cubik

Re: Radio Cubik : I was wondering the same thing. I checked
their site, and found a tiny message at the bottom of some intro
screen saying they were undergoing technical revisions, and would be
off the air. What this really means is open to question. It would
be a shame to lose it - incredible resource, all three of the Latin
"channels": tango, bossa, salsa....


Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 18:05:12 EDT
From: DocDAS@aol.com
Subject: [Tango-L] Radio Cubik

Does anyone know what is wrong with Radio Cubik? Two other requests while I
have you all on the line.
1) Does anyone know where I can 'specifically' get the CD: Grandes Exitos De
Las Guitarras De Oro. Not just the names of places that sell tango CD's. 2)
Anyone know of a good Canyengue teaching video or for that matter any of that

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