2139  Recent Miscellany


Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2004 11:53:41 -0600
From: "Frank G. Williams" <frankw@MAIL.AHC.UMN.EDU>
Subject: Recent Miscellany


A couple of things:

>From: Patricio Touceda <tangueros2001@HOTMAIL.COM>
>Subject: Re: The guy with two women

>Hello Mr. Junior:
>Im sorry to tell you, but i dont agree with you.
>Quite the oposite i think the killer at the end of the movie is great! He
>brings understanding and real drama to the story.

Patricio et al.,

The joke is that Antonio Cervila Jr. (a.k.a. 'Junior') IS that actor with
the knife! ;-) And I agree with you that the performance was chilling.

>From: John Ward <jmward@BUN.COM>
>Subject: La Cumparsita cha cha cha

>OK, I heard this in a bar but I wasn't as drunk as all that. The music
>playing was "La Cumparsita" played as a cha-cha.

Probably correct that this version is 'Hernando's Hideaway'...
Aron refers to another version that was an instrumental. THAT version
is probably Xavier Cugat's mambo interpretation of Cumparsita. I agree
that it is brilliant. A Google search will return lots of hits for those
who want to follow up.

Best from wintery (-30 F. wind chill) Minneapolis,


Frank G. Williams, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota

Department of Neuroscience
6-145 Jackson Hall
321 Church Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Department of Veterinary Pathobiology
205 Veterinary Science
1971 Commonwealth Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55108

Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2004 10:58:05 -0800
From: Carlos Lima <amilsolrac@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: Recent Miscellany

From Frank Williams: "

>From: Patricio Touceda <tangueros2001@HOTMAIL.COM>
>Subject: Re: The guy with two women

>Hello Mr. Junior:
>Im sorry to tell you, but i dont agree with you.
>Quite the oposite i think the killer at the end of the movie is great! He
>brings understanding and real drama to the story.

Patricio et al.,

The joke is that Antonio Cervila Jr. (a.k.a. 'Junior') IS that actor with
the knife! ;-) And I agree with you that the performance was chilling.


Et al, maybe, but Patricio probably does not need his own jokes explained to


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