1356  rejection, etc


Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2003 15:26:46 EDT
From: Charles Roques <Crrtango@AOL.COM>
Subject: rejection, etc

Bibi wrote:

<<Yesterday I was approached by a persistent friend, after I declined by
saying, "The next one, ok?", I was then being questioned, "Why?" I had my
genuine reason (promised somebody else beforehand) but had I not know him as
a friend, I almost wanted to take the 5th......>>>

That doesn't sound like a question. It is more like harassment, even though
mild. You don't owe him an answer other than if he continues to ask you, you
may never dance with him again. I don't think anyone owes anyone else a dance or
an explanation. There's a big difference between that and rudeness. Rudeness
is in the attitude, not in the rejection itself.


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