Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 15:30:14 +0000
From: Sergio Vandekier <sergiovandekier990@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Sending notes under somebody else's name
I received a notification that my note was distributed to the list, then
a friend of mind sent me such note as I did not received it yet.
He says:
-Did you really write this? (just to make sure Alberto is not playing games
>misinterpretation of my intentions . He is trying to make me pass as a
>racist which I am not, actually I am the opposite, I'm a cist rat.
>have, if they are poor or rich. To me a human is a human deserving
>appreciation and respect, unless anyone dares to correct me, argue with me,
>or disagree with me in which case my anger and verbal violence flares up
>and I may come up under other aliases and alter egos.
I am not sure, it may not show your intentions the way you wanted...
***I never wrote such note, the criminal is frequently caught due to his
persisting modus operandi, it is my impression as that of several members of
the list the the duo Jean-Pierre/ Alberto Paz is playing games again. :)))
The fact is that they disgrace themselves in the process.
Continue to Just ignore... |