2154  Snooty Tango


Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2004 17:29:48 -0800
From: Rick FromPortland <pruneshrub04@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Snooty Tango

No question, Tango can have a shadowy dark side sometimes. Pretentious, too serious, look@me,look@me.-IcanDanceTango, snooty/snobby, heavy, etc, etc...Its quite ugly...
I wish I could send all those folks to a Cajun/Zydeco dance. The most down-to-earth, friendly dance partner crowd I've been apart of. When they say "Laissez les bons temps rouler" (let the good times roll), they genuinely mean it. Being snooty there, makes no sense. Lois & I went to a Cajun dance on a very cold Minneapolis, MN Sunday night last Feb & as I looked out at the crowd, I sensed the friendly people there were interchangeable with all the other Cajun/Zydeco dance folks I've had the pleasure to dance with.

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