4600  Something possibly new for a topic.


Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 22:35:58 -0600
From: "David Hodgson" <DHodgson@TangoLabyrinth.com>
Subject: [Tango-L] Something possibly new for a topic.

Hello everybody:

I thought I would toss out my new Doman name and website concerning the
dance we love and hate, Argentine tango.

After much thought and a little sweat (and a little coaxing from friends) is
finally up and running.

It is the initial web design, I have received some very good feed back and
know it is ready to launch (along with saying what the hell).

I also know there will be changes in the approaching time.


This is also my new email address as well, DHodgson@TangoLabyrinth.com

A second address is Zorrito@TangoLabyrinth.com

The DHodgson@Tango777.com address, I will keep running for the next few
months as I make this transition.

I hope it is enjoyable, and thought provoking.

If you have any constructive feed back, it would be appreciated.

Hope everyone is happy and enjoying life this evening.

Take care

David Hodgson.

PS: Is this gratuitous advertising, Yes it is. Is there content that might
spark peoples interest for talk, you bet cha.

If there are comments concerning the web site its self please email me off

If the content brings up topics or thoughts of interest, then by all means,
let's keep that energy flowing on list.

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