4233  Stop this crap about close-embrace and open


Date: Fri, 5 May 2006 02:04:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: robin thomas <niborsamoht@yahoo.com>
Subject: [Tango-L] Stop this crap about close-embrace and open

You know from September last year until pretty
recently I saw Andres and Meredith almost every week.
We were invited to a lot of the same places to teach.
I've known Meredith for maybe 4 or 5 years. I took
classes with Andres in Bs.As..I think I'm regarded as
a "close-embrace all the time" teacher.

You know not once did we ever discuss whether someone
should dance one way or another. It is simply a non
issue. It's kind of a embarrassing for us to see
people we know fighting about such non issues.

Derik, I'm not sure if you realize Tine invited Andres
and Meredith to teach at Yale and that she took
classes wih them in Bs.As. where she has been many
many times, and that she's completely fluent in
Spanish as well as French, Flemish, German and
English. I've spent a lot of time around her and she's
never suggested that it's better to dance close or
open. She enjoys dancing both ways herself. We've been
teaching people to dance close at Yale because people
seem to seem to dance something that is more
recognizable as tango in its feeling quicker that way.
Most of the guest teachers she has invited teach
figures or concepts from an open embrace. Because
everyone realizes that whatever you choose to do you
should be able to do both well.

When I started teaching there were very few people
teaching figures that were really useful for crowded
floors and there wasn't much emphasis on musicality.
Things have really changed. I'd say it's the norm now.

Non of the good dancers bump into me in the milongas.
it doesn't matter what their personal style of dance
is. Good dancers don't bump into people. Good dancers
are musical too, whether they are leading ocho
cortados or colgadas.


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