1589  Striker/Captain Charisma


Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 22:42:17 -0500
From: Michael Figart II <michaelfigart@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Striker/Captain Charisma

El Duke!

Thanks for exposing us "close-embracers", as well as your own ignorance!
How many destilladores had you drunk when you composed this poetic work
of art? Now we know why you "relocate so quick"!

Hope you "keep relocating", and thanks again!!! Wow, you're such a

Really, dude; if you have something to say, why can't you just
communicate your opinion in a responsible, mature manner?

I have nothing against boleos, ganchos, even lifts, or anything anybody
wants to do, as long as doesn't endanger other dancers, or conflict with
the flow of the ronda, (maybe you should stay in the middle!). But I
will say that no matter how you attract newcomers, the best way to learn
good Argentine Tango is in a close embrace. When the basics are learned
and are competently led, and or followed, the other styles will be
learned much more quickly, and with a much greater understanding of the
basic body mechanics necessary to dance real Argentine Tango. Sure! Use
some of the flashy stuff to attract, but emphasize basics for beginners!
Like learning how to walk all over again! Best learned, and experienced,
and taught, in a "close-embrace".

Thank goodness I had a teacher early on with whom I spent many weeks
dancing with no arms! Just chest-to-chest; sternum-to-sternum. She
taught me how to lead, not direct!

Best regards,


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