2725  Susana Miller by me


Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2004 13:28:16 -0700
From: Carlos Lima <amilsolrac@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Susana Miller by me

I guess I cannot resist casting a vote or two pertaining this public figure.
Today I have time only for ... appearances.

Well, my standards of appearance for teachers of tango are modest; and I can
be moved by the right kind of disheveled :-O But, seriously, can anyone get
seriously worked up over such a secondary issue? I doubt it. There is AlwayS
SomethinG ElsE. Oh yes, another thing: I found out, through someone else's
deviousness, how old she is. When I heard it I went, WoW! She looks much
younger. But, of course, I am mixing here all kinds of appearances :-O
(Sorry, I forgot how old she was.)

From appearance I will proceed to elegance. Susana is an Argentine woman.
When she dances in milongas, she follows. I cannot see how anyone who has
seen this could say that she is anything but most elegant in her role,
besides very good at it in any other respect; or how anyone who has danced
with her could but say that she feels and moves very well, musically and in
every other respect.

OK, but what about leading? She leads to teach, but I do not care to judge
her as a leader, since she is not one, but as a teacher who teaches both men
and women, which she is, and she does. I have met many woman teachers who do
not look the part when leading. The vast majority, in fact. Some are capable
of helping make a good leader, some are not. The proof of the pudding is in
the eating. Susana Miller is certainly a most effective teacher of both
roles. Wildly successful comes to mind. Maybe the fact that she is
intelligent and knows how to teach helps. Maybe we have another new concept

I would add that a studied avoidance of feminine elegance in her pedagogical
"leading" is, I believe, a critical part of her recipe for success. It may be
that, if you are a man and imitate her movements when she is playing your
role, you will look much better than she does. Just a theory. Just a maybe.


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