4213  "The tall, leggy girl from Rome, Italy and


Date: Wed, 3 May 2006 13:01:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: Derik Rawson <rawsonweb@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] "The tall, leggy girl from Rome, Italy and
..Inexperience tango teachers, stay away from Derik, a consumer who
knows BS when he hears it.

Dear Chris UK:

Thanks for posting this message. It is very
interesting and revealing.

What is it about the mentality of these "close embrace
all the time" people? If you happen to disagree with
them they threaten you...lol.

Last week I was at a milonga and someone went out of
their way to pour ice water into my chair, in the
hopes that I would be bothered by it. I just kept on
dancing...lol. Kind of childish, I would say.

Oh, by the way, I just figured it out...

The tall "leggy girl with the big boobs" that Michael
Figart saw me dancing with at a milonga and did not
like, is from Rome, Italy. She is currently doing her
MBA in Business Administration in a graduate student
honors program at the University of Houston and Rice
University. She was wearing the latest Italian
fashions at the milonga, because she just came back
from Rome. She looks exactly like Sophia Loren, except
with blue eyes..lol. She is twenty something, and has
already traveled the world. She speaks Italian,
French, German and English, and is a gourmet cook. She
is extremely intelligent and fun. No wonder MF did
not like her...lol.

PS- We all know that Italians have absolutely no hope
of ever learning how to dance Argentine tango..lol. I
am sure that Astor Piazzolla would comment on that if
he were still here.

Have a good day in the UK.


--- "Chris, UK" <tl2@chrisjj.com> wrote:

> Copy of message received privately, below.
> Chris
> Subject: Re: [Tango-L] "Inexperience tango teachers,
> stay away from
> Derik, a consumer wh
> From: Yale Tango Club <yaletangoclub@yahoo.com>
> To: tl2@chrisjj.com
> Date: Wed, 3 May 2006 08:54:55 -0700 (PDT)
> Chris
> I am aware that if somebody were to say to
> somebody else, You @sshole,
> you would probably point out the absence of a verb
> and say it's not
> technically an insult. That doesn't mean the other
> 1199 people wouldn't
> feel it was an insult. It is meant as an insult.
> I am most certainly not ashamed and I will think
> about apologizing
> after Derik apologizes once for each insulting email
> he sent me over the
> past year or two, and everybody else. It seems no
> matter what statement
> I post to the list about what I do and how while
> minding my own
> business, I get called names by this meddlesome
> idiot on the other side
> of the country. Please note that I have never cast
> the first stone.
> However I am not one to turn the other cheek.
> While I have your attention. I feel it is only
> fair to remind you that
> the next time you do anything more iffy than
> pleasantly disagree, on a
> certain other forum that we are both on and of which
> I am the moderator,
> you will be removed from that forum. I thought about
> moderating your
> messages, but I'm too busy to be your mother. You've
> had 2 warnings,
> next strike you're out. We like the majority of your
> postings, however
> if you ruin it by acting like Derik and implying
> people are incomptetent
> or being in any way unpleasant in a few of your
> postings, we'd rather do
> without them. Unpleasant, meaning, by my standards
> not yours. Evidently
> your standards are a lot more relaxed.
> This is a private message but I have no objection
> to your posting it
> to any list you desire, provided you do not edit it.
> Tine
> "Chris, UK" <tl2@chrisjj.com> wrote:
> Tine wrote:
> > I am truly amazed that 1200 peple on this list let
> this idiot Derik
> > call them ignorant, incompetent, dull,
> predictable, inexperienced,
> > same old, boring, BS. This is just the words from
> this email.
> Tine, you should be ashamed of yourself. That's a
> wicked
> misrepresentation of Derik's email.
> "The music the DJ plays suddenly becomes very
> predictable ... rather
> dull" is not calling anyone predictable or dull, let
> alone '1200 people
> on this list'. In fact his email contains not a
> single example of the
> name-calling you claim.
> I hope you have the good grace to apologise to Derik
> and this list as a
> whole.
> Chris
> -------- Original Message --------
> *Subject:* Re: [Tango-L] "Inexperience tango
> teachers, stay away from
> Derik, a consumer who knows BS when he hears it!
> *From:* Yale Tango Club
> *To:* tango-l@mit.edu
> *Date:* Sun, 30 Apr 2006 16:12:01 -0700 (PDT)
> I am truly amazed that 1200 peple on this list let
> this idiot Derik call
> them ignorant, incompetent, dull, predictable,
> inexperienced, same old,
> boring, BS. This is just the words from this email.
> You let him do this
> not just once, but over and over again. For years!
> Incredible.
> Mind-boggling!
> That's another idiot from Texas that you let walk
> all over you. At least
> the other one, you elected him, and you know he's
> not going to be there
> forever.
> Don't any of you have any b*lls on you? (well a few
> of you do) What's
> the matter with you?
> You must all be confusing freedom of speech with the
> right to be
> insulted. If people have nothing interesting to
> contribute, they should
> not have privileged access to 1200 inboxes. Is this
> Derik's list, or
> everybody's list.
> Tine
> Derik Rawson wrote:
> Dear Michael:
> Why does it not surprise me that you have never
> heard
> of the expression.
> "I've never heard "The embrace opens and closes like
> a bandondeon.""
> This is the kind of ignorance that I am talking
> about.
> Furthermore, I do dance close embrace 60 to 80
> percent of the time, so please do not tell me that I
> have never experienced "close embrace all the time".
> I have!
> Like you, I feel her heart pounding, but I also know
> when she wants some space to express herself. Of
> course to do this, she would have to know how to
> dance...lol. This is the big problem with "close
> embrace all the time" followers, who have not really
> learned the entire dance. They are stuck with no
> ideas for open, so they have to avoid it.
> Doing one thing all the time is way too much.
> Variety
> is the spice of life.
> PS- I can always tell when the "close embrace all
> the
> time people" arrive in a room to dance. The music
> the
> DJ plays suddenly becomes very predictable and
> cutsie
> stuff... rather dull. When "the parents" go home,
> then the music then changes again and becomes more
> lively.
> I guess I just get tired of all the predictability,
> the cutsie same old repetitious choreography. and
> the
> "gee, look how cute we are" mentality....and the
> constant recruitment of inexperienced teachers and
> students to teach this boring stuff.
> I like to see more real energy on the dance floor.
> where people really know how to navigate the floor
> in
> complex patterns, follow the changes in the music,
> and
> "move" instead of just going through the motions. My
> opinion.
> Other than that, have a beautiful day in Washington.
> Weather here is beautiful too, and I am going to
> enjoy
> it as well. Happy Spring.
> Derik
> d.rawson@rawsonweb.com
> --- Michael wrote:
> > Derek:
> > I'd love to give you a break! Your arrogance is
> only
> > exceeded by your ignorance of close embrace.
> > Changing the embrace? Why would I want to do that?
> > The embrace is like two batteries in a flashlight.
> > If they aren't in contact (facing the correct
> > direction), the light doesn't come on. To dance
> open
> > would break the circuit between the batteries. I
> > don't want to break the circuit with my partner.
> >
> > I've never heard "The embrace opens and closes
> like
> > a bandondeon." WRONG!! My heart opens and closes
> > like a bandeneon, not the embrace. Sometimes I can
> > also feel her heart pounding. I may have to
> slightly
> > adjust the embrace to allow the woman more room
> for
> > a figure, but there's NO good reason to go from
> > close to open. If couples have to go to open for a
> > figure, it's probably a show tango figure, not
> > appropriate to the social floor. Or one, if not
> > both, partners are so stiff they can't dance close
> > because their stiff arms prevents them from
> getting
> > close.
> >
> > Thank goodness it's a beautiful spring day in
> > Washington and I'm going out to enjoy it instead
> of
> > reading Derek's posts.
> >
> > Michael Ditkoff
> > Washington, DC
> > I'd rather be dancing Argentine Tango
> >
> > Looking forward to my next trip to NY to dance
> with
> > N. and O. I thought I knew close embrace. These
> > women dance closer embrace.
> > Derek unfortunately wrote:
> > I do front ochos all the in variations of close
> > and open embrace. As you have heard it said many
> > times, "The embrace
> > opens and closes like a bandondeon." My point is
> > to vary the embrace. You should know how to be
> > connected
> > with your partner, no matter what. Keeping the
> > embrace closed all the time is like
> > keeping the bandondeon closed all the
> > time...ridiculous! My view is that the
> inexperience
> > and lack of understanding probably falls more on
> > the side of the people who do close embrace all
> the
> > time,
> > and their teachers who purposely eliminate
> > teaching the front ocho entirely....like Tine.
> Give
> > me a
> > break....lol.
> >
> >
> Derik Rawson
> d.rawson@rawsonweb.com
> https://www.rawsonweb.com
> 713-522-0888 USA Landline Direct to Portable Cell
> Phone
> 281-754-4315 USA Landline Voice/Fax
> d.rawson@cal.berkeley.edu
> d.rawson@haas.alum.berkeley.edu
> rawsonweb@yahoo.com
> Europe/Asia
> rawsonweb@compuserve.com
> Paris, France
> protection around
> ************************
> www.yaletangoclub.org
> ************************

Derik Rawson
713-522-0888 USA Landline Direct to Portable Cell Phone
281-754-4315 USA Landline Voice/Fax
Paris, France

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