2026  Tango Argentino- 20 years ago


Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 12:38:31 -0300
From: Alberto Gesualdi <clambat2001@YAHOO.COM.AR>
Subject: Tango Argentino- 20 years ago

It maybe possible, as Brian Dunn commented to the list, that the plane that take the people of Tango Argentino to France on 1983 also carried a malfunctioning Exocet missile.
Since the plane was an Hercules C 130, the militar cargo aircraft that the argentine air force uses as standard transport. It is not precisely an airliner . The inside of this plane is a simply a cargo area, with rolls in the floor to move the pallets from inside and outisde, and viceversa. For people to move inside, there are straps attached to the walls , so more or less you make a monkey walk .
Whenever Pepe Libertella from Sexteto Mayor commented that trip across the Atlantic with all the people of Tango Argentino, he says "fue una patriada/ it was a mother country boost", meaning that to go in such conditions, to a destination with a not very clear prospect of success, was esentially an act from the heart.

Libertella also commented that the organizers of the Chatelet theatre, asked that people recruited were >50 years old, since they consider " they will not believe us if we bring young people, that this is the true Tango Argentino ". And last but not the least, Libertella commented that the musicians and singers were promoted as people from the underworld , with dark stories and vices , a bunch of sinister characters.

All4s well that ends well

Warm regards
Alberto Gesualdi
Buenos Aires

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