3140  Tango as Rorschach Test


Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 10:14:48 -0500
From: Nitinkibe@AOL.COM
Subject: Tango as Rorschach Test

>Tom Stermitz wrote:
>> In some ways tango is a an inkblot in which you can see many things.

I have always maintained that Tango is a Rorschach test, and the first instinctive reaction (anxiety inducing, threatening reactions only, the fight/flight reflex playing out; positive reactions don't count) reveals the sensitive point in the observer. For example:

If you see everybody else as (threateningly) well turned out, then you may be feeling frumpish/dowdy.

Continuing this theme, if you think everybody is in Column A, then you may feel the opposite, as in Column B.


You think everybody.... You may be feeling.....

Looks so young.......................not-young ("old")

Looks so tall........................vertically challenged

Looks so slim........................out of shape

Looks so worldly.....................provincial

Looks so experienced.................callow

Looks so fit.........................not-buffed

Knows everybody else................isolated ("lonely")

Looks so free.......................trapped

Looks so skilled....................technically weak

etc etc

Good wishes to all and may we enjoy tango's full range of emotion!

Nitin Kibe
Washington DC

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