Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2004 18:57:51 +0000
From: Oleh Kovalchuke <oleh_k@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Tango crushes and other matters of passion
Interesting topic
Tine from Tango Club at Yale wrote very perceptive message about tango
crushes except for the unfortunate choice of word in the mindgame bit.
Anyway, from that [hormones and nurotransmitters - OK] to "special feelings"
is not a big leap, especially if he's new to the mindgame of tango. He'll
get used to it, and you'll get more experienced, and it'll be alright.
Good luck, and let it get to you only so much as to keep you on the edge.
It's exciting!
---end quote-----
The mindgame is rather unfortunate choice of the word because it implies
deviousness a distinct possibility of course, but I do not think you meant
that. While it is true that hormones influence your mind (and because of
that), the influence is subconscious. If you play this game consciously you
may experience problems later in your dance. Then again that's why it is
called the beginner crush, I guess.
On related note and to answer your question, yes, it does make the guy feel
empowered and special (the man in other words) when follower trusts him. In
other words the natural women (Aretha Franklin) do make the men feel like a
natural man.
Cheers, Oleh K.
PS I have a lot more platitudes to spread in my repertoire
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