3443  Tango essence and existence


Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 11:32:50 -0300
From: Alberto Gesualdi <clambat2001@YAHOO.COM.AR>
Subject: Tango essence and existence

There is a poem from argentine Jorge Luis Borges. He made a comment about this saying it was also about himself, a kind of self mockery for his abusive use of the rhetoric in his poetry.

Only a great man can admit his mistakes. I am not a great man, just a person that found in tango not the ultimate truth or the flame of existence, but a social amusement. I wonder how is it , that in a tango list with anonimous people like this tango list, sometimes we end discussing about tango dust and tango bones already melted into oblivion, instead of discussing what is going now in the Tango world of the living creatures, the ones to whom Pepito Avellaneda adrees his joyful " vos .... baila "

Here is the poem of Borges

The rest is silence

Alberto Gesualdi
Buenos Aires

Labyrinths, counter reasonings, emblems,
laborious frost and nothingnesses,
was for this jesuit the poetry,
reduced by him to stratagems.

There was no music in his soul;
just a hollow herbpot of metaphors and tricky words
and the veneration of the clevernesses and the disdain of the human
and superhuman .

It was not moved by the old voice of Homero nor that one,
of silver and moon, Virgilio; it did not see the fatal Oedipus in exile
nor Christ that is dying in a log.

To the clear Eastern stars that wane in the vast aurora,
he mockingly nicknamed " hens of the celestial fields".

So ignorant of the divine love like of the other that in the mouths burns,
was surprised by the Pale one evening
reading the verses of the Ancient Mariner.

Its later destiny is not in history;
freed to the changes of the impure tomb
the dust that once was his body,
the soul of Gracian entered the glory.

What will have felt when confronted with the Archetypes and the Splendors ? Perhaps he cried and said to himself :
Vainly I looked for food in shades and errors.
What happened when the unavoidable Sun of God, the Truth, showed their fire?
Perhaps the light of God left him blind
in the middle of an unending glory

I know another conclusion.
Absorbed in his microscopic subjects,
Gracian did not see the glory
and continues solving in his mind
labyrinths, counter reasonings and emblems.

Jorge Luis Borges

A tu celular ?no le falta algo?
Usa Yahoo! Messenger y Correo Yahoo! en tu telifono celular.
Mas informacisn aqum.

Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 11:16:53 -0400
From: John Gleeson <johngleeson1@VERIZON.NET>
Subject: Re: Tango essence and existence

Alberto says:

> . . . . I wonder how is it, that in a tango list with anonimous people like this
> tango list, sometimes we end up discussing about tango dust and tango bones
> already melted into oblivion, instead of discussing what is going now in the
> Tango world of the living creatures

1. in order to know where you are, it helps to know where you came from
2. we do discuss the present here (and the future), so why not balance it with
a sometime discussion of the past?
3. history can be just plain fascinating

Cheers, John G.

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 10:32 AM
Subject: [TANGO-L] Tango essence and existence

> There is a poem from argentine Jorge Luis Borges. He made a comment about this saying it was also about himself, a kind of self
> mockery for his abusive use of the rhetoric in his poetry.
> Only a great man can admit his mistakes. I am not a great man, just a person that found in tango not the ultimate truth or the
> flame of existence, but a social amusement. I wonder how is it , that in a tango list with anonimous people like this tango list,
> sometimes we end discussing about tango dust and tango bones already melted into oblivion, instead of discussing what is going now
> in the Tango world of the living creatures, the ones to whom Pepito Avellaneda adrees his joyful " vos .... baila "
> Here is the poem of Borges
> The rest is silence
> Alberto Gesualdi
> Buenos Aires
> Labyrinths, counter reasonings, emblems,
> laborious frost and nothingnesses,
> was for this jesuit the poetry,
> reduced by him to stratagems.
> There was no music in his soul;
> just a hollow herbpot of metaphors and tricky words
> and the veneration of the clevernesses and the disdain of the human
> and superhuman .
> It was not moved by the old voice of Homero nor that one,
> of silver and moon, Virgilio; it did not see the fatal Oedipus in exile
> nor Christ that is dying in a log.
> To the clear Eastern stars that wane in the vast aurora,
> he mockingly nicknamed " hens of the celestial fields".
> So ignorant of the divine love like of the other that in the mouths burns,
> was surprised by the Pale one evening
> reading the verses of the Ancient Mariner.
> Its later destiny is not in history;
> freed to the changes of the impure tomb
> the dust that once was his body,
> the soul of Gracian entered the glory.
> What will have felt when confronted with the Archetypes and the Splendors ? Perhaps he cried and said to himself :
> Vainly I looked for food in shades and errors.
> What happened when the unavoidable Sun of God, the Truth, showed their fire?
> Perhaps the light of God left him blind
> in the middle of an unending glory
> I know another conclusion.
> Absorbed in his microscopic subjects,
> Gracian did not see the glory
> and continues solving in his mind
> labyrinths, counter reasonings and emblems.
> Jorge Luis Borges
> A tu celular ?no le falta algo?
> Usa Yahoo! Messenger y Correo Yahoo! en tu telifono celular.
> Mas informacisn aqum.

Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 23:13:21 +0300
From: cella <cella@TTNET.NET.TR>
Subject: Re: Tango essence and existence

1. in order to know where you are, it helps to know where you came
2. we do discuss the present here (and the future), so why not
balance it with
a sometime discussion of the past?
3. history can be just plain fascinating

Be-cause :

1.In order to know where we are , we have to look just to the present
2.We have not to discuss but to live the present, in order to go to a
3.And There can be no plain fascinating history , if you do not do numero
uno y dos

anon ymous :)

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 6:16 PM
Subject: Re: [TANGO-L] Tango essence and existence

> Alberto says:
>> . . . . I wonder how is it, that in a tango list with anonimous people
>> like this
>> tango list, sometimes we end up discussing about tango dust and tango
>> bones
>> already melted into oblivion, instead of discussing what is going now
>> in the
>> Tango world of the living creatures
> Because:
> 1. in order to know where you are, it helps to know where you came
> from
> 2. we do discuss the present here (and the future), so why not
> balance it with
> a sometime discussion of the past?
> 3. history can be just plain fascinating
> Cheers, John G.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Alberto Gesualdi" <clambat2001@YAHOO.COM.AR>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 10:32 AM
> Subject: [TANGO-L] Tango essence and existence
>> There is a poem from argentine Jorge Luis Borges. He made a comment about
>> this saying it was also about himself, a kind of self
>> mockery for his abusive use of the rhetoric in his poetry.
>> Only a great man can admit his mistakes. I am not a great man, just a
>> person that found in tango not the ultimate truth or the
>> flame of existence, but a social amusement. I wonder how is it , that in
>> a tango list with anonimous people like this tango list,
>> sometimes we end discussing about tango dust and tango bones already
>> melted into oblivion, instead of discussing what is going now
>> in the Tango world of the living creatures, the ones to whom Pepito
>> Avellaneda adrees his joyful " vos .... baila "
>> Here is the poem of Borges
>> The rest is silence
>> Alberto Gesualdi
>> Buenos Aires
>> Labyrinths, counter reasonings, emblems,
>> laborious frost and nothingnesses,
>> was for this jesuit the poetry,
>> reduced by him to stratagems.
>> There was no music in his soul;
>> just a hollow herbpot of metaphors and tricky words
>> and the veneration of the clevernesses and the disdain of the human
>> and superhuman .
>> It was not moved by the old voice of Homero nor that one,
>> of silver and moon, Virgilio; it did not see the fatal Oedipus in exile
>> nor Christ that is dying in a log.
>> To the clear Eastern stars that wane in the vast aurora,
>> he mockingly nicknamed " hens of the celestial fields".
>> So ignorant of the divine love like of the other that in the mouths
>> burns,
>> was surprised by the Pale one evening
>> reading the verses of the Ancient Mariner.
>> Its later destiny is not in history;
>> freed to the changes of the impure tomb
>> the dust that once was his body,
>> the soul of Gracian entered the glory.
>> What will have felt when confronted with the Archetypes and the Splendors
>> ? Perhaps he cried and said to himself :
>> Vainly I looked for food in shades and errors.
>> What happened when the unavoidable Sun of God, the Truth, showed their
>> fire?
>> Perhaps the light of God left him blind
>> in the middle of an unending glory
>> I know another conclusion.
>> Absorbed in his microscopic subjects,
>> Gracian did not see the glory
>> and continues solving in his mind
>> labyrinths, counter reasonings and emblems.
>> Jorge Luis Borges
>> A tu celular ?no le falta algo?
>> Usa Yahoo! Messenger y Correo Yahoo! en tu telifono celular.
>> Mas informacisn aqum.

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