2513  Tango etiquette and newbies & Freedom of Expression


Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 00:57:44 -0700
From: Michael Ealem <ph03n1x@EARTHLINK.NET>
Subject: Re: Tango etiquette and newbies & Freedom of Expression

Thank you so much to all those who responded privately - many helpful and cogent suggestions were offered. Some interesting points raised here today:

>Yes, Ed! Milongas often have an abundance of women who are so anxious to
>dance that they will say YES to anyone who asks. We do have the power to
>improve the overall community by saying NO to leaders who "teach" on the
>floor, have no respect for the line of dance, and push you around practicing
>the latest programmed pattern. I rather sit out, thank you, than to endure
>an awful (and sometimes bumpy ride) across the floor. Pia

I have seen an interesting phenomenon take place in various Seattle milongas. Women will repeatedly accept an invitation from someone, and upon their return will complain bitterly about the individual's dancing, lack of floorcraft or manners,personal hygiene, etc. When I ask them why they continue to dance with the aforementioned offenders, I get one of two answers:

1. It's impolite to decline when someone asks you to dance (not as often)
2. I won't get to dance if I start rejecting people (far more frequently)

So the men who careen around the floor (bumper-car tango) or conduct impromptu seminars in the middle of the floor go merrily about their way....

>Bottom line is that there is no organized "community" or club responsible
>for or empowered to
>impose it's will or authority upon free individuals.
>A tango dance is no different from a C&W
>dance hall or a disco.
>However, i would not
>presume to interfere in something that is not my business, and I don't think
>anyone else should either.
> Manuel

I respectfully disagree - as the person sponsoring the milonga, it *is* my business and I have a right to expect my "guests" to adhere to certain standards of behavior (which were well-publicized). A milonga is a private party - just because someone paid money at the door does not entitle them to act "any 'ole way they please" (pardon me - my Texas upbringing is showing). I reserve the right to return their money and show them the door. Which is what I believe I will do, should we start sponsoring milongas here again.

Tango Bellingham

Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 09:16:14 -0400
From: white95r <white95r@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Re: Tango etiquette and newbies & Freedom of Expression

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