4144  Tango House shoe page


Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 15:22:58 -0600
From: PATRICK CROTTY <patcrotty@MSN.COM>
Subject: Tango House shoe page

The advertisement for tango shoes on the Tango House web site is designed to somehow induce you to check out these shoes if you might be =
in the market for a ladies tango shoe. Whatever else it might do for you is not the point. Whatever sensibilities it might touch upon within =
yourself is not the concern of the advertisement designer, as long as the overall outcome of viewing the advertisement causes a positive =
response toward the possible purchase of these ladies tango shoes. So much for reality. Now let us proceed to introduce Dr. Sigmund Freud. Dr. =
Freud is sitting comfortable in a soft leather armchair with his steno pad in hand and listening to Mr. X from Denver CO, who is stretched out =
on a backless leather couch and is blathering on about his tango dancing fantasy. He explains to his psychiatrist how he was once a plain =
garden-variety social tango dancer who enjoyed the Milonga at Denver's Mercury Café and attended the tango practica at the Denver =
Turnverein almost every week. He liked the music, he liked the dance, he liked most of his fellow dancers, he liked to give the ladies a good =
dance; a smiling happy dancer. Then one evening at home he was surfing on the Internet and came upon this Tango House site. He liked what he =
saw and read. What a beautiful web site to introduce the pleasures of doing social tango dancing at a venue know as the Tango House. The very =
next Saturday night he was at the Tango House and he immediately became a devoted regular. Some months later, he returned to the Tango House web =
site to check up on a group instruction class, and while doing so, noticed an item called Shoes in a side bar menu. He clicked on it and it =
changed his life. Here were these photographic images of various parts of a naked woman's body with a high-heeled ladies tango shoe superposed =
over the image. He was completely unnerved. He was unable to sleep that night. Finally he dozed off into a dream trance, where he was at a =
Milonga, and every one there naked expect that the ladies wore those high-heeled ladies tango shoes he had seen on the Tango House web site, =
and a rhinestone studded thong; and the men wore mink jock straps and men's dance shoes, except he had on those high-heeled ladies tango =
shoes. He awoke in a cold sweat accompanied by hot flashes. The dream went on every night for six months. Dr. Freud interrupted, "there can be =
no question, your only possible relief is a trip to Trinidad, CO (sex change capital of America)". Mr. X, now Mrs. X, took Dr. Freud's advice =
and is now happily dancing her new founded life in Buenos Aires in those gorgeous tango shoes he/she discovered on the Tango House web site.


Pat Crotty, Denver CO

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