3574  Tango Styles - Susana Miller does not teach Apilado.


Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2005 10:45:37 -0700
From: Igor Polk <ipolk@VIRTUAR.COM>
Subject: Tango Styles - Susana Miller does not teach Apilado.

>>> Is "milonguero" style the "apilado" style that Susana Miller and

Cach Dante teach? -- Manuel

Susana Miller does not teach apilado.
She herself specifically says so:
"Milonguero" - that is the style what she teaches.

Apilado - it is different from what Susanna Miller teaches.
Please, respect Susana Miller and Apilado.

I've never seen Dante, but I know one very talented dancer who danced
Apilado naturally. After her lessons with Dante - she does not dance apilado
any more. Well, may be somebody else was on the way, I am not sure. I do not
want to be sure.

I believe there are even more close embrace styles than mentioned here:
V-shape, Button-to-button, Miller's, Salon. More. It all depends on the
point of view, a set of axioms so to speak, the method of classification.

Gavito dances Apilado. Wonderfully. Watch the tape with the Milonga dance I
have mentioned before and you will get the best example. Thank you, a Great

Igor Polk

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