5830  Tango tradicional


Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 21:12:18 +0000
From: Sergio Vandekier <sergiovandekier990@hotmail.com>
Subject: [Tango-L] Tango tradicional
To: Tango-L List <tango-l@mit.edu>

Vince shows the following:

"A couple of real milongas in Seoul, that incorporate a few nuevo moves."



"Many of the coupless would not be tagged as doing salon or millonguero style.
A Seoul milonga that was identified as "alternative" with what appears to be respectful dancers."


"No need to label a milonga if everyone is respectful. And if not, the host can do something about it I guess."

My answer:

It is of great benefit to have videos so that finally we can know what we are talking about.

Vince these people are dancing "Traditional Tango" using some typical embellishments, such as boleos, amagues, etc.
***They are not dancing Tango Nuevo.***

As to the "Alternative" milonga...the only alternative thing is the music, the dancing is traditional tango as well.

Last time when you picked your marbles and left, you could have learned the difference between "Tango Nuevo", "Traditional Tango" and "Tango Milonguero"
which obviously you do not know. You think that a high boleo is Nuevo tango and it is not. I am not planning to get into any argument with you.

Respectfully, Sergio
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From: Sergio Vandekier <sergiovandekier990@hotmail.com>
Subject: [Tango-L] Tango tradicional
To: "Tango-L List" <tango-l@mit.edu>

Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 00:39:17 +1100
From: "Vince Bagusauskas" <vytis@hotmail.com>
Subject: [Tango-L] Tango tradicional and.....
To: <tango-l@mit.edu>

>I am not planning to get into any argument with you.

> Respectfully, Sergio

Thanks Sergio for the clarification in that and your off list email. Seems
that we have been talking at cross purposes, in no small part because there
is no definitive work that I can find on the Web that explains what were the
actual traditional figures danced in tango in the Golden Age. Also the
official rules from the World Tango Championships explain what is allowed in
salon, that differs alarmingly from your list of traditional tango figures.
No wonder I was confused!!

Your commentary and youtube clips and my observations tells me that there is
no problem over here with regards to nuevo dancers. It seems to be a
significant problem for you dancers in other countries. If there are good
nuevo dancers in Australia, they must have left for greener pastures
overseas as I don't see any that fit your definition.

Thank you for the youtube clip of the famous nuevo dancer as listed on
Wikipedia under Argentine Tango, who I gather has a style that no-one wants
to see at a milonga not billed "alternative". Maybe there is a market for
"No Nuevo" stickers?

Thanks again.

Well I am off reading this list for a time, as my partner and I are headed
to the Land of the Long White Cloud for a tango holiday, sampling several
milongas and practicas.


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