716  Tango in the USA


Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 12:32:53 -0700
From: sarah La Rocca <danzisima@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Tango in the USA

Dear List,

I want to thank Manuel Patino for defending the honor of tango dancers in the USA. Although I feel confident that no one really believes the statement that all dancers in the USA are bad because they are figure obsessed and unmusical. This statement is a great insult to all the dancers, teachers, musicians and organizers across the country struggling and succeeding in making tango happen.

We have many good dancers, bad dancers and yes, some truely great dancers too. Someone who is a bad dancer this year may bloom into a great dancer next year. I have seen that happen many times. And of course the forbidden secret is that there are some bad dancers in Buenos Aires too. People every where come in all varities and abilities.

Isn't the objective here to promote tango and make it florish? Why knock down the efforts of an entire country? What is gained from that? The USA is a major player in the world economy of tango. Our interest in the art helps to sustain it and employs many dancers, musicians and teachers and provides tons of fun for thousands of people.


Sarah La Rocca


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