470  The Way It is...


Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 21:44:19 -0800
From: Brian Tomasini <colormetango@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: The Way It is...

The Way It Is:

The Perils and Primes of the Milonga, Tending the Garden of the Rules to
Remain Free. A Place To Cherish, and Be Cherished By, a Stranger. The
Presence of Those you Hold in your Heart, Reaffirms Why you Adore Them,
while the Proximity of Certain Others Promises No Change. To Witness
Strangers Charm Away that Distinction with Guileless Style and Grace.
Pleasant as the Breaking of the Fresh and Fragrant Breads of Opportunity and
Circumstance with New Company in a Cozy and Comfortable Kitchen Long Known
and Dearly Loved.

No bells or special expectations apparent, as you address each other to
negotiate the embrace fine familiar music invites communion a slow breath
cycles to separate the past from the present only this music, this floor,
this moment, this embrace the bodies shade to cues and clues from match and
muse we partake of the line of dance movement s magic cradles the mind
and the senses in stillness refine all of this, all of it, makes the soul
smile and as by doors of dreams, awareness discovers elsewhere has come
home a new being, more than sum accounts this precious gift of light
without shadow verse without words caresses mere flesh cannot share
encircled with, yet free in the wings of embrace strong, comforting,
delightful wings whether of angels or of our own yielding from the inside,
yet shielding from the out a proviso for privacy and purity, with room for
playful pleasure and passion and peace yet, with only the illusion of
permanence, for time and refrain have their way

Reality Beckons and You Part, Basking a Moment in the Union of the Spirit
that Allows the Eyes and the Fingers to Linger Beyond Parting. A Fleeting,
but Glorious Risk that Must be Cut Short
Ever Better to Savor, Treasure, and Hold Fast even these Fractions of a
Percent of Wonderful, as We Know it Can Be, than to Hazard the Lingering
Aromas of Nevermind.

Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 12:19:25 -0500
From: Tanguero Chino <tanguerochino@NETSCAPE.NET>
Subject: Re: The Way It is... and then...

Cha Chan!

The last notes of a tango.
Remaining in the embrace for just a moment more.
Waking up from the trance, parting, heading in different directions.
But not before a gentle squeeze of the hand, and a lingering glance.

A wordless thank you! Until the next dance.
