2246  what are we going for afterall is: tango, not smell


Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 13:39:26 -0600
From: Bibi Wong <bibibwong@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: what are we going for afterall is: tango, not smell

William said

>9) And remember: if they're not 'biting' now, be patient and
>practice. It's only a matter of time before you luck will change!

I wish the tangueros and tangueras rechannel their energy on their dancing
technical and communication skills, rather on finding way to distract from
the core issue here--- dancing and music. William gave an excellent example
of room freshener..... with his comment in mind, now I am likely to think
that the reason a person putting on a big cloud of aroma is to hide his/her
dancing ability :-)

I can always take a whiff of that person in any time any where, but in
milonga / practica is the ONLY time I can taste their presence in dancing.

Rick, I know about Brut, but ...... hehehee, no comment!!!!!!!



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