Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2006 13:30:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Trini y Sean (PATangoS)" <>
Subject: [Tango-L] what is...
Hi Listeros,
Anyone know what are "sostenidas" or what the English
translation is?
While we're at it, could anyone tell me the English
translation of "piernazos", which include high ganchos?
Trini de Pittsburgh
PATangoS - Pittsburgh Argentine Tango Society
Our Mission: To make Argentine Tango Pittsburgh's most popular social dance.
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2006 15:41:40 -0600
From: "Brian Dunn" <>
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] what is...
To: "'Trini y Sean \(PATangoS\)'" <>, "'Tango-L'"
Trini wrote:
While we're at it, could anyone tell me the English
translation of "piernazos", which include high ganchos?
My sources tell me on this one: basically "kick in the butt". There are
films of El Cachafaz doing this to his follower, or it can also be a led
move of the follower's onto the leader's waiting butt-cheek.
We sometimes affectionately call it the "Wallet Snatcher" based on a myth
that women in the old days used this wraparound-high-gancho figure to slip
the edge of a heel into the guy's wallet pocket, enabling them to deftly
toss the wallet in question to a partner-in-crime sitting on the edge of the
;) ;)
All the best,
Brian Dunn
Dance of the Heart
Boulder, Colorado 80302 USA
"Building a better world, one tango at a time"
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2006 15:28:57 -0700 (PDT)
From: NANCY <>
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] what is...
'sostenidas' when used in dance probably means a
'hover' as used in ballroom - a pause on a high arc.
'Piernazo' just means a big leg - so probably any
showy use of the leg.
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2006 10:39:18 +0900
From: "astrid" <>
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] what is...
To: <>, "'Trini y Sean \(PATangoS\)'"
Whoa ! Gotta remember that. Would have never been able to come with such an
idea myself.
> We sometimes affectionately call it the "Wallet Snatcher" based on a myth
> that women in the old days used this wraparound-high-gancho figure to slip
> the edge of a heel into the guy's wallet pocket, enabling them to deftly
> toss the wallet in question to a partner-in-crime sitting on the edge of
> floor...
> ;) ;)
> All the best,
> Brian Dunn
> Dance of the Heart
> Boulder, Colorado 80302 USA
> "Building a better world, one tango at a time"
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2006 11:12:15 -0400
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] what is...
Sostenido/a, from the verb "sostener", meaning to support or to hold
up. A direct translation would be "to sustain".
I like Nancy's definition of "piernazo".
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