2433  Yes, but....


Date: Thu, 6 May 2004 12:31:41 -0500
From: Gibson Batch <gibsonbatch@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Yes, but....

Nicole from Miami is close,

"Forget the technique, forget the steps, just breathe and relax and listen
to the music, and let me worry about the rest....you just try to feel
something from the music and the movement... and the rest of the night
thought I was attracted to him and ..."

Leonard's words are also very much together with my own thoughts. Thank you

But I try to connect with my partner as I ask her to dance and give
instructions. And the 'attraction part' is not usually in my mind at all -
often I dance with a partner only if I am NOT attracted to her - otherwise
discursive thoughts get in the way, and trouble starts.

Anyway, about the 10 seconds of instructions, we haven't started yet....We
are now walking to an empty spot on the floor. What comes next? I give
very definite instructions about what to do and what not to do.

Many of you are probably wondering what I am up to. Why am I on this silly
train of thought? Because I feel it leads directly into the essence of
Tango - to which we spent countless email trying to define a couple of weeks
ago (but let's not do that again, please).

I also have to add for the sake of the teachers and students who have spend
$1000's on lessons, I am not talking about actually 'teaching' Tango - I am
just trying to get someone through the next 2.5 minutes without hurting
themselves or myself in return. I don't want them driving off and hitting
another couple or trip over a chair. But I usually end up doing ochos of
some form and alot of my own moves that look and feel great....more than
just walking around.

So what does a leader say? Followers, what is the MOST IMPORTANT aspect of
following? THAT IS TANGO (in my mind). Connection, yes. But what else?

The first person with a good 'answer' to the 10 second instruction koan will
be rewarded with one of my really cool pencil drawings of a subject of your
choice (or not, if you prefer).


Date: Thu, 6 May 2004 17:35:54 -0500
From: Karen Whitesell <kglass@MO-NET.COM>
Subject: Re: Yes, but....

Ok Gibson, I want that pencil drawing. Here goes...

I would say for my 10 seconds worth of instruction...

Remember, a good Argentine tango is only visible from the inside.


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