2522  zarlengo@EARTHLINK.NET


Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 15:02:02 -0700
From: Elemer Dubrovay <dubrovay@JUNO.COM>
Subject: zarlengo@EARTHLINK.NET

--- Zarlengo <zarlengo@EARTHLINK.NET> wrote:

> > They say our schools are inferior and theirs are better. I ask you
> > what relatively small country (the USA) has the most Noble prize
> > winners? You can disagree with US politics - which I do - but the US
> > is the most powerful nation to ever walk the face of the earth. This
> > came from individuals of all sorts of backgrounds, but they are
> > North Americans. They have been asked several times to step in and
> > save the lives of millions of people - and you may also disagree
> > that we did. But the survivors of those countries even in Japan
> > after the nuclear bomb were happy to see their govt go!

There are some Americans that are convinced that in this country (The
dancing is better than in
Argentina, the music is better, because is new, they dance to alternative
music and not to
old tango music).

The owner of one of the milongas explained to me that this was
a way of improving the tango in the USA.

We are lucky because in the Seattle area we have four good traditional
milongas and two with the new music and one with bad music where the
beginners go.

The improvement we need in Argentina is to stop the smoking in the

Elemer in Redmond

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