626  Zen in the Art of Tango


Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 11:38:32 -0700
From: Andrew Allison <Andrew@AALLISON.COM>
Subject: Zen in the Art of Tango

Stephen Brown wrote:

"Susan and I have hidden away in our webpage Zen in the Art of Tango
https://www.tejastango.com/tango_classes.html. I am not sure that
everyone is ready to see that there is an inner aspect to tango, and that
the inner is more important than the outward reflection."

I don't know about Zen, but as a long time student and a teacher of Tai
Chi, and a relative newcomer Tango, I'm astonished at how many Tai Chi
principles apply to Tango.

Regards, Andrew

Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 10:02:44 +0200
From: "kidojo.it" <kiaikido@KIDOJO.IT>
Subject: Re: Zen in the Art of Tango

Dear List,
thanks a lot writing about Zen/T'ai Chi Chuan and Tango (the milonguerostyle
for me is the most similar): it makes me feel a little bit less "alone",
"strange"! I am studying T'ai Chi Chuan since 1976 and I am teaching it
since 1988: Tango I found in 1994 and till 1996 I converted totally to the
milonguerostyle: and I can say "it's the same": one you practise alone or in
a group and the other as a couple, but - like Andrew says - they ar e quite
similar (maybe you look at the english-version of www.kidojo.it) !

patricia muller

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 8:38 PM
Subject: [TANGO-L] Zen in the Art of Tango

> Stephen Brown wrote:
> "Susan and I have hidden away in our webpage Zen in the Art of Tango
> https://www.tejastango.com/tango_classes.html. I am not sure that
> everyone is ready to see that there is an inner aspect to tango, and that
> the inner is more important than the outward reflection."
> I don't know about Zen, but as a long time student and a teacher of Tai
> Chi, and a relative newcomer Tango, I'm astonished at how many Tai Chi
> principles apply to Tango.
> Regards, Andrew

Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 19:06:52 +0200
From: "kidojo.it" <kiaikido@KIDOJO.IT>
Subject: Subject: RE: [TANGO-L] Zen in the Art of Tango

Dear Andrew and List,
my teacher Yvonne Meissner asked me to send You this e-mail of her. She
is traveling a lot during her tournee and it seems that the sending does not work. patricia muller

Sent: vrijdag 21 juni 2002 11:39
Subject: [TANGO-L] Zen in the Art of Tango

Stephen Brown wrote:

"Susan and I have hidden away in our webpage Zen in the Art of Tango http:/= /www.tejastango.com/tango_classes.html. I am not sure that =
everyone is read= y to see that there is an inner aspect to tango, and that the inner is more= important than the outward reflection."

I don't know about Zen, but as a long time student and a teacher of Tai Chi
, and a relative newcomer Tango, I'm astonished at how many Tai Chi
principles apply to Tango.

Regards, Andrew

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