1575  Dancingwitharobot


Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 16:27:55 GMT
From: michael <tangomaniac@JUNO.COM>
Subject: Dancingwitharobot

This robot could be a good training tool for men. Every time the man steps on the robot's foot, he gets an electrical shock, with greater intensity every time he steps on the foot. If he grips the robot's hand, the robot squeezes in return until the man realizes how hard he is squeezing.

The robot could be a good training tool for women. When the woman sticks out her right arm like she's signalling a turn, the robot brings it closer in. (When I dance with a woman with a still right arm, she throws me off our alignment. [We're no longer center to center] and my balance.) If she doesn't follow the lead for front ochos and tries to do back ochos instead, the robot will exert more force until the woman dances forward ochos.

This could make for interesting tango.

Coming to New York for the NY Tango Festival
Will practice boleos on the subway and see if I can maintain
my balance on the Staten Island Ferry

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