3348  BrusselsTangoFestival starts today-Warming engines yesterday


Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 13:13:41 +0200
Subject: BrusselsTangoFestival starts today-Warming engines yesterday

Dear tangueros around the big world,
A fine event starts today in Brussels, the capital of Europe. The first BrusselsTangoFestival, put together by a group of enthusiastic tangueros =
(Nathalie, Francois, Andres, and others), actively expanding the local tango scene.
Four milongas in three gorgeous settings, 2 orchestras and 16 maestros giving more than 40 workshops, covering from canyengue to tango nuevo.
Last night, at the usual Wednesday milonga at the Tango Bar, in the colourful African district "Matongué", we had a nice mouth watering =
glimpse from some of the maestros in attendance:
-Marta Anton y el Gallego Manolo, enchanted us with the playfulness and the "picardía" of canyengue, that "species in the verge of extinction =
in the biodiversity of tango",
-Paula Rubin & Gustavo Rosas, made an impressive demonstration of their reach combinations of styles, feeling and technique; superb!
-Marisa Van Andel & Oliver Koch, offered us a pretty rendering of a milonga improvisation, with the perfection which is their trademark.
Take a look to the pictures of the magnificent locations where the festival takes place, the list of the distinguished visiting stars, and =
feel a bit envious of us, the Brussels tangueros, just for these few days!
Abrazos milongueros,
Marcelo Sosa


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